About Us


Omar Siddiqi

Philosophy and Mission

The word “Zeka” means “Intelligent” in Turkish. This word summarizes our journal; Zeka is a publication that functions as a platform for high school students to share their articles and gain recognition for their work. Secondarily, we hope to contribute to a broader sense of international unity by publishing work from students around the world.

Letter from the Editor

The story behind this journal is humble. In 2012, after spending many hours writing research papers for English classes, our founder tried to get them published. He sent articles to dozens of journals, only to get them all rejected. Traditional academic journals prefer writers affiliated with universities, so high school students have a very small chance of independently publishing their writing.

The purpose of our organization, which is now approaching 10 years in age, is to provide a platform for high school students to publish their writing. We cover editorials and original research, and provide a rigorous review process to ensure high quality.

We hope that Zeka will encourage the pursuit of knowledge in students around the globe for years to come.

Kindest Regards,

Omar Siddiqi